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Reflecting on One Year of Creating on YouTube

On August 11th, 2021, I released my first video on YouTube. It was an overview of an upcoming Homebrew Campaign Series. From then on, I released all sorts of videos in many categories. I talked about books, movies, shows, games, tabletop roleplaying, life, and a million other things. I didn’t have a niche, and that was very deliberate. I was experimenting and just trying to have fun while I figured out what I wanted to do.It’s a year since I started, and a lot has changed. It’s time to reflect on all of that and discuss what I’m planning for the future. I’m pretty excited to get into it, so let’s go ahead and get started right away!

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Stories Stories

Book Review | Wrath by John Gwynne

I finished reading John Gwynne’s The Faithful and the Fallen and… well, I have some thoughts. This is going to be a spoiler-free review, but I may do a spoiler talk in the future if I’m up for it regarding my feelings on this series as a whole. For now, though, we’re going to stick to a straightforward review of the final book in the high fantasy quartet. Wrath, the final book in the series, was exciting and brought the story to a well-earned conclusion. I had a good time reading it, though I personally found that I enjoyed Ruin a bit more. We’ll get into that and more in this spoiler-free review of the book!

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Life Life

10 Reasons You Should NOT Read Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series

Today, I’m going to validate your opinion that you shouldn’t read Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series by giving ten reasons not to. Prepare to have your convictions and opinions reinforced by me. All of these reasons are entirely logical and well-thought-out. You literally cannot argue with them, it’s impossible, so don’t try. Grab some popcorn, sit back, and prepare to hear ten objective opinions.

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Life Life

Things I Wish I'd Known a Decade Ago as a Writer

ount. Today, I want to talk about some of the things that I’ve learned from writing so much (and I have written a lot). I’ll be listing five things that I wish I had known a decade ago, so this is something of a letter to the version of myself that hadn’t quite received his first writing award, yet. Hopefully, if you’re a writer who’s just starting out and looking for some help, this will be exactly what you need!

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Life Life

Do Stories NEED Dark or Controversial Content to Succeed?

Dark content has been prevalent in stories of all kinds for a long time. However, it hasn’t always been as pervasive or in-your-face as it seems to be today. It seems like we can’t turn on a show, go see a movie, play a game, or open a book without experiencing content that’s aggressively dark or grim hitting our eyes at some point during the story. This is something I’ve seen ramping up lately, particularly with the success of shows like Game of Thrones. The question I want to ask today is… do stories need dark or controversial content? Are violence, gore, sex, drugs, trauma, and other topics that have been considered taboo in the past necessary for stories? Do they improve the stories overall, or would the stories be better if this content were cut?

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Life Life

How to Set Up Your Space for a Successful Day of Writing

Today, I’m going to provide you with a couple of tips for setting up your space to ensure that you are going to have a successful writing period. These are all things that help me stay focused during a time that I’ve set aside for writing. My hope is that some of them will help you, too!

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