Who Am I?


I’m T. L. Bainter.

I live in Kansas City with my cat (Sooba) and my dog (Ellie). You could know me from a variety of things—maybe you know me in person, maybe you’ve read one of my stories, maybe you’ve watched my YouTube channel. I’m the sort of person who tries anything and everything at least once, though there is one thing that has stuck.


I have loved writing and telling stories ever since I was a kid, and it’s what I want to do as a career. I’ve received awards for my short stories, two of which I’ve released as eBooks on Amazon with the hope of eventually publishing a novel (though, I’m pretty hard on myself, so that novel is a long time coming since it has to pass my own rigorous review process).

If you love stories of any kind—be they films, shows, books, video games, or just talking about life—then I’m the person for you! Stories are what I’m all about.