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Judging Books I Haven't Read Based Solely on Their Titles

Today, I’m doing something a little weird: I’m judging books I haven’t read. I’m not going off their covers or their descriptions, either. I’m just looking at the titles of the books. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something interesting I want to read by doing this! Or, maybe someone reading this post will find something that they want to read. I’ll have links to all of the books that I mention down below, too, in case one of them does catch your eye. 

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Life Life

Ranking (Canon) Zelda Games | 2021

The canon (that means no CD-I, Hyrule Warriors, or even, sadly, Lampshade of No Real Significance Zelda Games. I originally used Tiermaker for this, which you can see in the video version of this post (linked down below). For this version of the content, I've reorganized it so that the games appear in their actual order. You'll see my least favorite first, then we'll work our way up to my favorite Zelda game out of all of them.

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