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Are These Tropes Secretly GOOD?

Today, I’m going to try to be a little more positive than I was last week: I’ll be talking about five tropes that I personally enjoy in stories. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you probably already know what the first one is going to be…

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Life Life

Reading My Old Writing | Recent Works

Today, I’m going to be reading from some of my more recent works, two of which were spin-offs of The Overlord Saga that were written to exemplify what I’d learned from writing hundreds of thousands of words for The Overlord Saga. I’m going to be reading excerpts from Of Elegance and Slaughter, Edwin, and even my novel How I Ruined My Life. Since I have so many works to read from for this post—and because the cringe-worthy writing isn’t quite as prevalent in each of these books—I’m going to limit myself to only one excerpt from each piece of work, for this final part of the series.

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