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Reading One-Star Terry Pratchett Reviews

Today I’m going to be… diving into the lions’ den. I’m reading five reviews that should be hilarious but will probably just hurt me, because they’ll be disparaging my favorite author and some of my favorite books. I’ve picked out five that I want to read and talk about in this post, but it’s gonna be hard. A few of these are really painful, but I’m going to power through.

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3 Lessons Learned from 3 Stories

There are several stories I’ve experienced that left their mark on me in a positive way. There are many different ways that a story can do this. Sometimes the story is just remarkable and emotional, sometimes it’s beautiful, but other times a story can teach us a valuable, powerful lesson—something that changes us for the better. That’s what I’m going to be talking about today: stories that have taught me something. In today’s post, I’ll be listing three different lessons that I learned from three different stories.

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