Ten GOOD Reasons Why Audiobooks DON'T Count as Reading

Today, I’m going to hit you with ten reasons audiobooks don’t count as reading. That’s right, we’re doing this. I don’t want to delay it, so let’s dive into it right now.


Reason #1

Technically you are listening to someone read to you, so like… you aren’t the one reading.

Reason #2

Hmm… Reason number two…

Reason #3

Geez did I really commit to ten of these?

Reason #4

Ugh… hold on… I’m still trying to think of the second one!

Reason #5

This is moving pretty quickly, am I sure I can make a whole video about this?

Reason #6

Go back, go back! I wasn’t done! I haven’t even thought of a second reason!

Reason #7

Come to think of it, I’m not sure I agree with the first one… you’re still reading, you’re just reading along with someone…

Reason #8

Yeah, let’s go ahead and nix that first one. Cross it out. It doesn’t count.

Reason #9

Oh, I just thought of one for number two! It doesn’t count as reading because you aren’t physically holding the book.

Reason #10

Wait, wait, these are supposed to be good reasons? But… there’s no such thing as a good reason why an audiobook doesn’t count as reading. In fact, audiobooks might be a better option for many people. Are they just excluded from being called readers altogether? That doesn't make any sense.

Try Audible Plus


Obviously, audiobooks do count as reading; my apologies for the off-the-wall nature of today’s blog post. I do have a perfectly reasonable explanation! I closed on my house on October 14th and have been working hard to get it into a liveable condition by the end of the month. With any luck, I’ll have a post soon about the new reading and recording space, too! So keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, thanks for indulging today’s weirdness!


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