Travel | Getting Away to Write


Last week, I had the opportunity to leave my own home to stay in Rocheport, Missouri. The drive was about two hours, which was enough time for me to clear my head and get into a more creative, inspired mindset. See, I’d set aside this time for the purpose of working on my short story (the title of which I cannot reveal for a few months, yet) and my novel, Chainbreaker. Both of them had been stagnating for weeks, untouched due to exhaustion and a lack of inspiration. Rocheport was a spur-of-the-moment, I-need-to-get-away decision, but it turned out to be an excellent choice for my trip.

An Inspiring Location

I always do my best writing and editing when I’m away from a location I see consistently. Whether it’s a coffee shop, a friend’s house, or an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere, I’m far more likely to be inspired and focused when I’m surrounded by unfamiliarity. This home was brilliant for that.

I had never been to--or even heard of--Rocheport, before, and was pleasantly surprised by my environment when I arrived. The location was beautiful, even during this chilly, dead winter season. The cabin was located on a river, which I took some time to go and see before retreating to the warmth inside.

My three-day trip was largely spent inside, sitting at a table and typing away on a laptop. I used the silence to read my words aloud to myself, listening to the way they sounded to ensure that I was using the best possible phrasing.

In this environment, I was able to finish the second draft of my short story and edit nearly sixty thousand words in Chainbreaker. I even had some time left over to catch up on a few stories my friends had sent for me to review. It was a remarkably successful getaway.


This trip was extremely affordable. I found the Airbnb for 100$/night, which was perfectly reasonable for its size and location right on the river. If you’d like to consider it, here’s a link! My host was outstanding, so if you’re looking for a getaway in the area, I definitely recommend sending her a message.

Factoring in about 30$ for gas and 60$ for groceries, this trip came in at under 300$. Not bad for a three-day/two-night getaway in such a peaceful location! I am so glad I was able to do this--the trip was badly needed for so many reasons and was a grand way to recharge.


Sometimes it takes getting away from your normal life to clear your head and get creative--I know that’s what it took for me. As soon as I was away from home for the first time in nearly a year, it was like a blindfold had been removed from my eyes. I was able to breeze through my short story and dive into editing my novel. The short story has been sent to my editor and the novel is roughly eighty percent completed! Soon, I hope to have more to reveal to everyone.

Keep Up with Me

Thanks for checking out this post! I know it was a short one--I’m still pretty busy with numerous other things, from my company to my music to my writing… and then, of course, there’s the ever-present full-time job. If you’d like to keep up with me, I am most active on Instagram, but you can like my Facebook page, too.


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