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My History | My Path as a Writer

Today, I want to talk about my writing history. I’ve been writing for several years and I never had a good example of what a writer’s path should look like. It was hard to tell if I was doing everything the right way, though there isn’t really a correct way to go about becoming a writer. This isn’t going to be a post giving advice on becoming a writer or suggestions for how to develop your skills--I’ll release something like that in the future. Instead, I’m just going to talk about the things I did historically as I learned to write and found my voice.

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Stories Stories

Book Review | Morning Star

Now we come to the end of the first Red Rising trilogy. This has been quite a ride and I’ve been reading a lot of Pierce Brown. My original plan was to immediately pick up Iron Gold and start with that after all of this, but I think I need a break for a couple of weeks so that I can rest and reflect on this trilogy. That’s a problem for tomorrow, though! Today is the day I review the final book in Pierce Brown’s first trilogy: Morning Star. If you haven’t heard my thoughts on the first two books, they can be summarized as Red Rising being mediocre, but Golden Son being a fun experience. My expectation was that Morning Star would be as good or better than its predecessor, but were my expectations met?

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #5: Expanding the Arc's Setting

Because we now know what all we want to happen in our arc—or what might happen—we have a lot of work to do to get the setting for our arc fleshed out and expanded. This course is going to be where we take care of that. By the time you've finished with this part of my homebrew campaign creation series, you'll have a solid grasp on the setting of your arc. We've done a lot of world-building so far and we're about halfway done with that, now. Soon, we'll be focusing largely on the stories of our campaign. Bear with me, we're nearly there!

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Life Life

Inspirational People and Stories

Today, I thought it would be good to talk about some of the people and stories that inspired me to tell stories of my own. These are going to be books, authors, even games that originally gave me the drive to sit down and put pen to paper… or fingers to keyboard, as the case was later on. I’ve been writing since I was extremely young, honestly. I don’t remember exactly when I started writing stories, primarily about my classmates. However, I do remember that even from a young age I was checking out books about writing, publishing, editing… all things related to becoming an author. A few key players were definitely responsible for inspiring this.

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Stories Stories

Book Review | Golden Son

I’d already been led to expect that the first book is the weakest in the trilogy, so I kept moving and started reading the second book. I’m glad I did, because--as you’ll find in this spoiler-free review--I found it to be an improvement on the first book in the trilogy. However, just how much of an improvement was it?

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #4: Fleshing Out the First Arc

In this session, we’re going to take what we developed in the previous session and really flesh it out. I’m going to break down how I write my arcs and talk about what I do to ensure successful, cohesive improvisation during a session. At the bottom of this post, you’ll find links to download the template that I use for writing an arc. If you have your own that you’d like to use, feel free to use that! My template is also fairly focused on Dungeons and Dragons, but it can easily be modified to any other system.

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