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The Legend of Vox Machina 10-12 (Spoiler-Free) Review

They really did save the best for last! Impressed doesn’t even begin to cover it, so I’ll really just be spending much of this review praising what I loved about each of these three episodes. This review, like all of my other batch reviews, is completely spoiler-free, so you don’t have to worry about any of that if you haven’t watched the last three episodes, yet. I’m pretty excited to start talking about these episodes, so let’s go ahead and dive into it.

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Life Life

My (Real) Tips for Navigating a Professional Career

Over the last three weeks, I gave you a full deep dive into my IT career history. I talked about my first job, my current job, and everything in between! I was as honest and thorough as I could be (probably more honest and thorough than I should have been), but now I’m going to look a little bit deeper and provide you with a few lessons that I’ve learned from navigating my IT career and the professional space. I figure that if I’ve devoted this much time to a career, I might as well try my best to help others who are looking into the same thing.

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Life Life

The Legend of Vox Machina 7-9 (Spoiler-Free) Review

This is a spoiler-free review of The Legend of Vox Machina, so you’re safe from that sort of nonsense here. Overall, I didn’t quite enjoy this batch of episodes as much as I did the previous three, but there were still some strong moments and I do have a new favorite overall episode! So without further delay, let’s go ahead and dive into my spoiler-free thoughts on  The Legend of Vox Machina, episodes seven, eight, and nine.

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Life Life

My IT Career History | PART THREE

After I wrote the post for part two and then edited the video, I realized that it was painfully long. I made the decision to break up the IT Career History into three parts, saving my advice video for the fourth part. Thus, here we are in the third and final part of my IT career history! Last week, we left off with me having just gotten let go from the "job" at a startup that was questionable at best. Let's pick up from there!

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Life Life

How to Set Up Your Space for a Successful Day of Writing

Today, I’m going to provide you with a couple of tips for setting up your space to ensure that you are going to have a successful writing period. These are all things that help me stay focused during a time that I’ve set aside for writing. My hope is that some of them will help you, too!

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Life Life

The Legend of Vox Machina 4-6 (Spoiler-Free) Review

Some significant improvements have been made between the first three episodes and this batch! In this spoiler-free review of The Legend of Vox Machina’s second episode drop, I’ll be talking about episodes four, five, and six. We see our heroes head to Whitestone to confront the Briarwoods. There are, of course, some trials and tribulations along the way, including an especially Dungeons and Dragons-esque encounter in episode five. There’s a lot to love in these episodes, and any complaints that I have are fairly minor.

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