Anything and Everything
The Blog
Life | 2018 Summarized with Songs
Every month of my life for the past year... summarized with a song.
Life | Real Love Requires Sacrifice
"I love my girlfriend" and "I love Chipotle" are two similar phrases that have extremely significant differences, but what are they?
Writing | 1-Page Synopsis for "Chainbreaker"
It's time to stop babying my novel. On December 6th, I'll be participating in #PitMad. Here is my first page and a brief summary of Chainbreaker.
Writing | Using Wattpad to Write 'The Imperfect's Journal'
In this post, I’ll be focusing on why I wrote The Imperfect’s Journal using Wattpad.
Your Job Sucks | Unpredictable Managers
This swirling mass of sludge, plastic, and other debris is truly one of the worst legacies that humanity will leave behind. I say all of that to get to this point: the best solution for terrible bosses is to ship every single last one of them to this island--lovingly called the Great Pacific garbage patch--and leave them there with the rest of their kind.
Animals | The Turkey
With Thanksgiving coming up, at least 45,000,000 turkeys have been beheaded, de-feathered, and bagged up for consumption. That’s just for Thanksgiving. These turkeys have only been permitted to live for a small fraction of their lifespan before they were killed. So, I thought this would be a good time to put out a summary of the creatures that are going to be eaten on Thursday.