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Life Life

My IT Career History | PART THREE

After I wrote the post for part two and then edited the video, I realized that it was painfully long. I made the decision to break up the IT Career History into three parts, saving my advice video for the fourth part. Thus, here we are in the third and final part of my IT career history! Last week, we left off with me having just gotten let go from the "job" at a startup that was questionable at best. Let's pick up from there!

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Life Life

Your Job Sucks | Unpredictable Managers

This swirling mass of sludge, plastic, and other debris is truly one of the worst legacies that humanity will leave behind. I say all of that to get to this point: the best solution for terrible bosses is to ship every single last one of them to this island--lovingly called the Great Pacific garbage patch--and leave them there with the rest of their kind.

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