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Are YA Books Objectively Bad? (PART TWO)

Last week, I released part one of a two-part series discussing Young Adult books. In that post, I talked specifically about the arguments against Young Adult novels that are often presented and aren’t necessarily genre-specific. I countered them, but also discussed their merits. Today, however, I’m going to be addressing a lot of pros for the Young Adult genre as I see them. This is the last planned part of this two-part series, so I’ll wrap up with my final thoughts on the matter at the end of it.

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Are YA Books Objectively Bad? (PART ONE)

In the book reading community, across the board, there’s an argument that I’ve seen prevail, and it’s about young adult books: books that are written with a target audience of people who are between 13 and 18 years old. I’ve heard and read tons of different arguments regarding whether or not these books are good or bad as a whole, so I decided to take some time, do some research, and put together a post about this idea that YA books are objectively bad by default.

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