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Organize Your TBR!

Today, I’m going to talk not about what’s on my reading list, but about how I organize my reading list to make sure that I don’t just read what I want to, but that I read often and don’t get burned out from reading, which is something that I’ve experienced in the past on a few occasions. In some cases, a reading burnout has led to months or even years of me not reading (and is a big part of why I think that most lists of required reading for literature classes are dreadful and poorly optimized, at least from what I’ve both experienced and heard). So, how do I organize my reading list to make sure that I’m getting the most out of my experience? Let’s get into it!

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Life, Stories Life, Stories

My (Current) 2022 Reading List

Today, I thought it would be fun to talk about my current reading list for 2022. Doing TBRs has never really appealed to me for this channel, even though I tend to enjoy that content from creators I love. It isn’t the sort of thing I want to do regularly, because I have so much else that I want to talk about. However, I think that an annual TBR could be fun! That’s what I’m setting out to do today. In this post, I’ll be talking about all of the books that I plan to read in 2022. Here we go!

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