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My Favorite Story Genres

I’m going to say right off the bat that I think that genre is loose, weird, and ultimately up to interpretation. You can usually discern if something is sci-fi, contemporary, or fantasy (though some stories even like to mix and mash these broader genres). However, once you get into subgenres, things get really messy and you end up with completely meaningless in-fighting among readers over whether or not something qualifies as a particular genre.So, I acknowledge that I’m being a bit hypocritical by listing my favorite genres and story types when I don’t actually think subgenres have consistent or reliable definitions. I don’t want to argue about whether a particular book meets some particular website’s specific definition of a single subgenre, so take my list here with a grain of salt; it’s my subjective opinion.

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Life Life

My Favorite Books, Movies, Games, and Shows

When I look to a reviewer for an opinion, I generally look for a reviewer whose tastes are similar to my own. What better way to see if our tastes are aligned than listing a few of my favorite things? I’m going to tackle my top three books, movies, games, and shows. We’ll start with number three and work our way up, one category at a time.

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