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What Stories Am I MOST Excited About This Year?

This post isn’t about my favorites, it’s about my anticipated favorites. These are stories—be they books, movies, or games—that I can’t wait to experience this year, in 2022. I think it’ll be interesting to put these thoughts out there and then reflect on this post once I’ve actually experienced these stories to see if I was let down or not.

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Stories Stories

Book Review | The Fires of Vengeance

Immediately after finishing The Rage of Dragons, I grabbed The Fires of Vengeance and started reading. I’ve been pretty busy with work and a few personal things, so my reading of this book was a little slower than Rage, but I’m grateful for that because we won’t get book three, The Lord of Demons, for a couple more months. The book’s release in 2022 can’t come soon enough. While I wait, though, I’ll divulge my thought on the second book of this series.

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