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Life Life

Animals | The Turkey

With Thanksgiving coming up, at least 45,000,000 turkeys have been beheaded, de-feathered, and bagged up for consumption. That’s just for Thanksgiving. These turkeys have only been permitted to live for a small fraction of their lifespan before they were killed. So, I thought this would be a good time to put out a summary of the creatures that are going to be eaten on Thursday.

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Life Life

Recipe | Vegan Mac n Cheez

Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t like math and I don't like following directions. I tend to wing it in the kitchen and, since going vegan, this approach has really gotten the job done. So, this recipe is really just a guesstimation of the amounts that I used. I strongly suggest taste-testing at various phases of the cooking process to determine if anything should be added to the mix.

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