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Discworld Read-Along #5: Sourcery

The fifth book in Discworld—if you’re reading chronologically—is Sourcery, the third Unseen University book. Once again, we are put into the head of Rincewind to go off on another world-saving adventure. The result is… well, I’ll just wait to give my thoughts on this one for a moment. First, let’s do some basic introductions.

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Life Life

New House, New Bookshelves

The first thing I did when I got my house? Paint it black. Everything. Walls, ceiling, and trim, all black! It was a lot of work, probably the most work I've done on a house in my life, just given the sheer scope of it. I haven't even touched the second floor yet, but the second floor needs significantly more help than a mere coat of paint can give to it.

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Stories Stories

Discworld Read-Along #2: The Light Fantastic

The Light Fantastic by the remarkable Terry Pratchett is the second novel in the vast Discworld series. It starkly contrasts with its predecessor, The Colour of Magic, yet follows it up wonderfully. In today’s read-along discussion, I’m going to talk about how The Light Fantastic improves the Discworld formula, what the book is really about, and then I’ll provide my thoughts on it before moving on to your thoughts on it, which were shared via polls. Let’s jump into this in-depth discussion of Terry Pratchett’s The Light Fantastic.

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Life Life

Reflecting on One Year of Creating on YouTube

On August 11th, 2021, I released my first video on YouTube. It was an overview of an upcoming Homebrew Campaign Series. From then on, I released all sorts of videos in many categories. I talked about books, movies, shows, games, tabletop roleplaying, life, and a million other things. I didn’t have a niche, and that was very deliberate. I was experimenting and just trying to have fun while I figured out what I wanted to do.It’s a year since I started, and a lot has changed. It’s time to reflect on all of that and discuss what I’m planning for the future. I’m pretty excited to get into it, so let’s go ahead and get started right away!

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Life Life

5 Shows You Should Go Watch, Right Now

In today’s post, I’ll be listing out the top five shows I have watched recently so that you can stop scrolling endlessly through your litany of streaming platforms searching for something good to watch. You’ve probably heard of many of these and had people tell you to watch them, but if you haven’t gotten around to them yet, I’m here to tell you to bump them up on your watchlist.

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6 Traits of Great Villains

No one presents conflicts quite like villains, and they’re the topic of today’s conversation. See, while almost every villain presents a conflict, not every villain is going to be great. What is it, then, that makes a villain great?

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