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Discworld Read-Along #3: Equal Rites

Welcome to the third part of our Discworld Read-Along! I’m excited to be back to the read-along with everyone, and I hope you spent the last several weeks finding time to read Terry Pratchett’s Equal Rites, the third book in the Discworld series! We’re reading it chronologically, so we aren’t super far in yet! Things are improving as we leave Rincewind and Twoflower behind to focus on Esk and Granny, but there are still a few hiccups to talk about as we discuss this next book.

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Discworld Read-Along #2: The Light Fantastic

The Light Fantastic by the remarkable Terry Pratchett is the second novel in the vast Discworld series. It starkly contrasts with its predecessor, The Colour of Magic, yet follows it up wonderfully. In today’s read-along discussion, I’m going to talk about how The Light Fantastic improves the Discworld formula, what the book is really about, and then I’ll provide my thoughts on it before moving on to your thoughts on it, which were shared via polls. Let’s jump into this in-depth discussion of Terry Pratchett’s The Light Fantastic.

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I Gave House of the Dragon a Chance... Was It Worth It?

Like many, many others, I was left disappointed and angry at the end of Game of Thrones. I haven’t seen a more perfect example of phoning it in than I did with the end of that show. That final season was absolutely abysmal. So when HBO announced a prequel series based on George R. R. Martin’s history book, I wrote it off and figured it would be a disaster. I wasn’t even going to bother picking it up.

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Ranking All of the Books I've Read (Since I Started Reviewing Books)

Now that I’ve hit one hundred videos and six months of content, it’s time to niche down and get focused. I’ve decided that the best way to start doing that is to give you something of a “clean slate” when it comes to all of the books I have reviewed since I started this whole project. If you’re new to my content and want a rapid-fire overview of all the books I have read since starting this, this is the stop for you. Hello. Greetings. Welcome.

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Stories Stories

Book Review | The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

ype can be a double-edged sword, though; on one hand, it got me excited for the book, but on the other, it raised my expectations to unbelievable levels. So the question for today’s post is: did The Shadow of the Gods live up to the hype? Let’s get into that in today’s spoiler-free review of the first book of John Gwynne’s Bloodsword Saga!

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Book Review | Wrath by John Gwynne

I finished reading John Gwynne’s The Faithful and the Fallen and… well, I have some thoughts. This is going to be a spoiler-free review, but I may do a spoiler talk in the future if I’m up for it regarding my feelings on this series as a whole. For now, though, we’re going to stick to a straightforward review of the final book in the high fantasy quartet. Wrath, the final book in the series, was exciting and brought the story to a well-earned conclusion. I had a good time reading it, though I personally found that I enjoyed Ruin a bit more. We’ll get into that and more in this spoiler-free review of the book!

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