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What I Read This Winter

Boy, did I get some reading done this winter. I read more between late November and March than I had in the entirety of 2021—at least, in terms of word count. So, today, I want to reflect on the books I read over the winter months!

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Stories Stories

Book Review | Golden Son

I’d already been led to expect that the first book is the weakest in the trilogy, so I kept moving and started reading the second book. I’m glad I did, because--as you’ll find in this spoiler-free review--I found it to be an improvement on the first book in the trilogy. However, just how much of an improvement was it?

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Stories Stories

Book Review | Red Rising

I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for within the first few pages of the book. I started reading this shortly after the high I had from The Fires of Vengeance and it took me a couple of days to finish, so it was a fairly quick read. What did I think of it, though?

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