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Your Job Sucks | Unpredictable Managers

This swirling mass of sludge, plastic, and other debris is truly one of the worst legacies that humanity will leave behind. I say all of that to get to this point: the best solution for terrible bosses is to ship every single last one of them to this island--lovingly called the Great Pacific garbage patch--and leave them there with the rest of their kind.

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Life Life

Your Job Sucks | Dress Codes

Why are uniforms and dress codes such a big deal? It’s just clothing, right? And you only have to wear it for a maximum of eight hours a day, don’t you? So why on earth would I be adding uniforms and dress codes to this series on why your job sucks? Well, buckle up, because there are going to be quite a few examples in this one and no uniform/dress code-enforcing employer is going to be happy with this article.

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