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Life Life

Beginner Fantasy Books for Young Readers

So I thought to myself: Self, why don't I make a post recommending books to help ensnare readers into wanton devotion to the fantasy genre? Here I am, doing just that! I’m going to do a series of posts like this, targeting various reading levels. In today’s post, I’m going to focus on very young readers (or completely illiterate humans who can barely keep their heads upright, let alone pass a simple Hooked on Phonics flash card test).

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Life Life

Inspirational People and Stories

Today, I thought it would be good to talk about some of the people and stories that inspired me to tell stories of my own. These are going to be books, authors, even games that originally gave me the drive to sit down and put pen to paper… or fingers to keyboard, as the case was later on. I’ve been writing since I was extremely young, honestly. I don’t remember exactly when I started writing stories, primarily about my classmates. However, I do remember that even from a young age I was checking out books about writing, publishing, editing… all things related to becoming an author. A few key players were definitely responsible for inspiring this.

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