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Create a Homebrew Campaign | #4: Fleshing Out the First Arc

In this session, we’re going to take what we developed in the previous session and really flesh it out. I’m going to break down how I write my arcs and talk about what I do to ensure successful, cohesive improvisation during a session. At the bottom of this post, you’ll find links to download the template that I use for writing an arc. If you have your own that you’d like to use, feel free to use that! My template is also fairly focused on Dungeons and Dragons, but it can easily be modified to any other system.

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #2: Micro View

In this session, we’re going to zoom into the map and focus on one of those regions and one population center within it. You should select a region that has a few interesting features to it, rather than something that is less interesting like a grassy plain or desert. Those can be made interesting, of course, but we want to pick an area that’s interesting right from the start, for this. Note that this is going to be where we write the first arc, too, so keep that in mind when selecting the region you’re going to focus on for this.

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