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The Blog

Organize Your TBR!

Today, I’m going to talk not about what’s on my reading list, but about how I organize my reading list to make sure that I don’t just read what I want to, but that I read often and don’t get burned out from reading, which is something that I’ve experienced in the past on a few occasions. In some cases, a reading burnout has led to months or even years of me not reading (and is a big part of why I think that most lists of required reading for literature classes are dreadful and poorly optimized, at least from what I’ve both experienced and heard). So, how do I organize my reading list to make sure that I’m getting the most out of my experience? Let’s get into it!

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #9: World History

Today, we’re getting complicated. I’m going to talk about the history and politics of our world here in this video, and both of these world-building aspects can be exceedingly complicated. It can be a lot of work, but I often find it to be well worth it. When you spend a lot of time on the history and politics of your world, it saves you a considerable amount of work and effort later down the line as you plan out your campaign. You’ll have a lot of information to draw from that you prepared in advance, so drafting the campaign arcs becomes much more doable. Additionally, having a solid idea of your world’s history and politics can make improvising during a session more feasible than it otherwise would be.

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