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Hard vs Soft Magic Systems (the Good and the Bad)

Today, I’m going to be doing an essay regarding the two main kinds of magic systems in fiction: hard and soft. I’ll explain what these are, give some examples, and then dive into the pros and cons of each system. This isn’t really a “which is better post” because that’s really up to each reader’s personal preference (and because we all know that hard magic systems are better, don’t we?).

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #16: Final Tips and Thoughts

In today’s post, I really just want to do a little chat and wrap-up. I’ll touch on some points I might have missed during this series, give you some final tips and suggestions, and just generally… wrap this up. Wow. I still can’t believe it. This series is over. Who would have thought? Not me.

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Create a Homebrew Campaign | #15: Tools I Recommend

uilt our world, we’ve written our story, our homebrew campaign is ready… but are we? In this post, I’ll be talking about the tools that I recommend you have as a game master for your tabletop campaign. These won’t be specific to D&D, though that’s the game that I typically run. Instead, these are just general suggestions for making your tabletop roleplaying game experience the best that it can possibly be. Some of it is software, some of it is hardware, but all of it combines to make an absolutely phenomenal tabletop experience.

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #14: Writing a Character Arc

Today, we’re going to have one last session regarding players and how they can shape your world and story. Specifically, I’ll be talking about character arcs, which are sections of your campaign’s story that focus on one or two of the characters, giving them the spotlight. I’m going to talk about why they matter and give my suggestions for creating effective, impactful character arcs that are just as powerful (if not more so) than the main story.

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #8: Shops and Notable Inhabitants

Your players may have given you the names and a few details of some people they may know who could be part of your story’s first arc. I know mine did! If that’s the case, take time to note down everything your players told you about those characters. It’ll be important for this lesson! Once you’ve got that, you’re ready to dive into creating the shops and notable inhabitants for the setting of our first arc. I’ll be creating some NPCs and stores for the town of Kessit, where the first arc of my homebrew campaign will be taking place.

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