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T. L. Bainter T. L. Bainter

Discworld Read-Along #6: Wyrd Sisters

Today we talk about the sixth Discworld book, Wyrd Sisters! If “Sourcery” was a capstone to early Discworld as some readers put it, then Wyrd Sisters is the introduction to Discworld at its finest (which is to say, all the rest of it). Let’s dive into this wild parody of classic plays and Shakespearean drama!

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Stories Stories

Discworld Read-Along #5: Sourcery

The fifth book in Discworld—if you’re reading chronologically—is Sourcery, the third Unseen University book. Once again, we are put into the head of Rincewind to go off on another world-saving adventure. The result is… well, I’ll just wait to give my thoughts on this one for a moment. First, let’s do some basic introductions.

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Stories Stories

Discworld Read-Along #3: Equal Rites

Welcome to the third part of our Discworld Read-Along! I’m excited to be back to the read-along with everyone, and I hope you spent the last several weeks finding time to read Terry Pratchett’s Equal Rites, the third book in the Discworld series! We’re reading it chronologically, so we aren’t super far in yet! Things are improving as we leave Rincewind and Twoflower behind to focus on Esk and Granny, but there are still a few hiccups to talk about as we discuss this next book.

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Stories Stories

Discworld Read-Along #1: The Colour of Magic

Discworld! Terry Pratchett’s extensive, beloved fantasy series spans over forty novels, and we’ve just read the first one! The Colour of Magic is a whimsical adventure following Rincewind and Twoflower across the Disc and over the brim. Today, we’re going to be talking about this entry into Discworld. I’ll give my thoughts on it, then I’ll read out and discuss some thoughts I received from other readers. After that, we’ll read the second book in the series to prepare for our subsequent discussion, and I’ll give dates for that coming up shortly.

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Stories Stories

Announcing the Great Discworld Read-Along

It’s my pleasure to announce my first read-along: The Great Discworld Read-Along! This will be a lot of fun, but I’m going to try to pace it out so that people who don’t have a lot of time to read can remain caught up. Today’s post will be an introduction to the read-along, so get ready to take some notes if you’re interested in participating.

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