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The Stories of 2022 (a Reflection)

Welcome to my first post of 2023! I’m back from my December break and I’m eager to dive into creating videos and blog posts, again. I’m going to kick things off with something pretty straightforward and simple: a reflection of 2022. I experienced a lot of stories in 2022, and I experienced some substantial community growth as well! We’re going to dive into all of that and talk about what stories are coming up for me in 2023.

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Life Life

The Legend of Vox Machina 7-9 (Spoiler-Free) Review

This is a spoiler-free review of The Legend of Vox Machina, so you’re safe from that sort of nonsense here. Overall, I didn’t quite enjoy this batch of episodes as much as I did the previous three, but there were still some strong moments and I do have a new favorite overall episode! So without further delay, let’s go ahead and dive into my spoiler-free thoughts on  The Legend of Vox Machina, episodes seven, eight, and nine.

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Life Life

The Legend of Vox Machina 4-6 (Spoiler-Free) Review

Some significant improvements have been made between the first three episodes and this batch! In this spoiler-free review of The Legend of Vox Machina’s second episode drop, I’ll be talking about episodes four, five, and six. We see our heroes head to Whitestone to confront the Briarwoods. There are, of course, some trials and tribulations along the way, including an especially Dungeons and Dragons-esque encounter in episode five. There’s a lot to love in these episodes, and any complaints that I have are fairly minor.

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Life Life

The Legend of Vox Machina 1-3 (Spoiler-Free) Review

The Legend of Vox Machina is an animated adaptation of the first campaign in Critical Role’s live-play Dungeons and Dragons show. It’s an attempt at adapting months upon months of live storytelling among friends into a concise, cohesive animated story. I’m a fan of Critical Role, have been since campaign one, so I knew that trying to adapt the Briarwood arc—the one that they’re focusing on in this show—was going to be a significant undertaking. With only a few twenty or thirty-minute episodes at their disposal, this is a lot to condense… so, how’d they do?

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