Anything and Everything

The Blog

Hard vs Soft Magic Systems (the Good and the Bad)

Today, I’m going to be doing an essay regarding the two main kinds of magic systems in fiction: hard and soft. I’ll explain what these are, give some examples, and then dive into the pros and cons of each system. This isn’t really a “which is better post” because that’s really up to each reader’s personal preference (and because we all know that hard magic systems are better, don’t we?).

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Life Life

My Favorite Books, Movies, Games, and Shows

When I look to a reviewer for an opinion, I generally look for a reviewer whose tastes are similar to my own. What better way to see if our tastes are aligned than listing a few of my favorite things? I’m going to tackle my top three books, movies, games, and shows. We’ll start with number three and work our way up, one category at a time.

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