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Channel Update: Six Months Later

It’s time to talk about my channel goals, accomplishments, and future. It’s hard to believe it’s been six months, but… simultaneously it definitely feels like it’s been at least six months since I started this. I’ll get into what I mean by that and more here in this post. More importantly, I’ll be talking about what’s next for the channel and my plans going forward.

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Life Life

Create a Homebrew Campaign | #9: World History

Today, we’re getting complicated. I’m going to talk about the history and politics of our world here in this video, and both of these world-building aspects can be exceedingly complicated. It can be a lot of work, but I often find it to be well worth it. When you spend a lot of time on the history and politics of your world, it saves you a considerable amount of work and effort later down the line as you plan out your campaign. You’ll have a lot of information to draw from that you prepared in advance, so drafting the campaign arcs becomes much more doable. Additionally, having a solid idea of your world’s history and politics can make improvising during a session more feasible than it otherwise would be.

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Stories Stories

Book Review | Morning Star

Now we come to the end of the first Red Rising trilogy. This has been quite a ride and I’ve been reading a lot of Pierce Brown. My original plan was to immediately pick up Iron Gold and start with that after all of this, but I think I need a break for a couple of weeks so that I can rest and reflect on this trilogy. That’s a problem for tomorrow, though! Today is the day I review the final book in Pierce Brown’s first trilogy: Morning Star. If you haven’t heard my thoughts on the first two books, they can be summarized as Red Rising being mediocre, but Golden Son being a fun experience. My expectation was that Morning Star would be as good or better than its predecessor, but were my expectations met?

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Stories Stories

Book Review | The Rage of Dragons

Tau, a lower-class citizen within this book’s caste system, is on a quest for vengeance that leads him to join his people’s military. There, he trains to become a better fighter, but better will never be good enough for him. He aims to be the best and will accept nothing less of himself.

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Life Life

Becoming a Booktuber and Shifting My Focus

I have always had an Internet presence, as unfortunate as that is--I definitely shouldn’t have been spewing my thoughts on here fifteen years ago. However, I’ve never really given much care or attention to that presence. I haven’t focused on building a brand or an audience, I’ve just put myself out there and allowed myself to be found by anyone who happens to look. My website has changed consistently over the last few years and there has always been a sharp drop in the amount of content that I produce, often going several months without an update.I want to change that.

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