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My IT Career History | PART THREE

After I wrote the post for part two and then edited the video, I realized that it was painfully long. I made the decision to break up the IT Career History into three parts, saving my advice video for the fourth part. Thus, here we are in the third and final part of my IT career history! Last week, we left off with me having just gotten let go from the "job" at a startup that was questionable at best. Let's pick up from there!

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Life Life

My IT Career History | PART TWO

Last Friday, I released a post that was essentially the introductory post about my IT career. I talked about getting my start and the first couple of jobs that I had in this field, beginning with my first data center job all the way to leaving my third IT job, which was another data center in Kansas City. Today, I’ll be continuing the walkthrough of my history in IT with the next four jobs that I had, which are going to come with some… interesting stories, particularly a couple of the jobs. The most interesting of all of them is actually going to be the first job I’m talking about today: working for an insurance company’s data center. It was… something.

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Life Life

My IT Career History | PART ONE

Today, I thought it would be fun to share my personal IT career journey and talk about how it started and how I got where I am. This is going to be split into two parts since there’s a lot to go through. My hope is that by being thorough and open about this, I can show others that it’s entirely possible to build a career in a field like IT and support yourself without the need for a degree that you don’t actually want or care about.

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