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The Stories of 2022 (a Reflection)

Welcome to my first post of 2023! I’m back from my December break and I’m eager to dive into creating videos and blog posts, again. I’m going to kick things off with something pretty straightforward and simple: a reflection of 2022. I experienced a lot of stories in 2022, and I experienced some substantial community growth as well! We’re going to dive into all of that and talk about what stories are coming up for me in 2023.

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Life Life

What Stories Am I MOST Excited About This Year?

This post isn’t about my favorites, it’s about my anticipated favorites. These are stories—be they books, movies, or games—that I can’t wait to experience this year, in 2022. I think it’ll be interesting to put these thoughts out there and then reflect on this post once I’ve actually experienced these stories to see if I was let down or not.

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Life Life

The Stories I Loved MOST in 2021

Today, I’ll be talking about the top three stories that I experienced in 2021. These can be across any medium, books, movies, games, etc. I’ll list off some honorable mentions to start, then I’ll get into the top three. It’s important to note that I am selecting from stories I experienced for the first time in 2021, not necessarily stories that came out, last year. Especially since I had some catching up to do with books and the like, I mainly read, watched, or played stories that were a year or two old, rather than new releases. That said, let’s get into my list, beginning with honorable mentions! Every story I mention will be linked if you’d like to experience it for yourself.

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