September '21 Update


This is going to be the last of my monthly update posts. That's not because I'm going to stop posting. On the contrary, it's because I'm going to start posting a lot more. Beginning October 1st, I'll be putting up at least three posts every week. The posts that I release will be in three different categories: advice and discussion, story reviews, and finally personal posts. I'll be putting out more details about each of these facets when I release my first post on October 1st, where I'll go over the changes I'm making with more depth and information than I can provide, here.

Upcoming Content

I have been hard at work creating video content and writing posts (as well as reading a lot), these past thirty days. I've got a lot of videos that are ready to be released and still more in the works! Each of my videos will have a companion post on this blog, so you'll be able to view the content in whatever medium you prefer: video or written format. Whatever is easiest for you to consume, it'll be there for you! I can't wait for what's to come, next month (and all the months that will follow)! My video premiere (and the premiere of my posts) will go live on October 1st, 2021, at 1PM CDT. You can check out that video premiere here:

All of this is starting in October and I have content planned out for at least the next year (subject to change, of course), so you can expect a far more steady and reliable stream of content from me for the foreseeable future! I'm excited to finally start taking this seriously and to pursue my passion for stories as a career rather than a hobby. I hope you're looking forward to being along for the ride.

Other Things I've Done

Working on videos and blog posts for the months of October and November has consumed most of my time, lately, but I did get a chance to do a few other things. I took two trips this past month. One was to a small sanctuary in Corder, Missouri and another was up to my birthplace of Indiana and the surrounding area, with the latter having just concluded a couple of days prior to my writing of this post. I got to see some family members I haven't seen in ages, which was nice. During those trips, I finished reading three books and got halfway through a fourth!

On top of that, I've been preparing for my trip to Los Angeles! I leave this Sunday! It's hard to believe that the trip is finally here, I've been waiting for so long. I need this vacation really badly, so I'm eager to get on that plane and soar over to the land of delicious vegan food. I intend to create a thorough post (both video and blog!) for this trip shortly after the trip concludes, but you can follow my adventures in a more live, constant format by checking out my Instagram account. I'm pretty active on there, so you can count on consistent content next week while I'm over there in Los Angeles!


That about wraps up my mid-September update (and my last of these monthly updates). I'm so excited for the content that's on the way. I'm working hard to make sure I can release things consistently that are both entertaining and interesting! I'm especially eager to start releasing story reviews, which is something I tried to do in the past but just couldn't keep up with, back then. I hope you're at least half as excited as I am for what's coming up for me and the content that I release.

Everything begins on October 1st! If you'd like, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel in advance of the first video's release. I'd be quite grateful! Additionally, you can check me out on most social media platforms; my handle is @tlbainter on most of them, so you should be able to find me pretty easily! Or, you can just click the relevant social media icon from the row below this paragraph.


Becoming a Booktuber and Shifting My Focus


August '21 Update