July '21 Update


In an effort to improve my blogging consistency, I'd like to start writing at least one post a month that just summarizes my work and progress overall--this should be more doable than trying to create a post for every event while I'm simultaneously trying to work on so many other projects.

Since this is my first real update in a while, this post will be a broad stroke of all that I've been up to for the last few months. Come August's update, the post should be shorter and simpler.

May: Great Smoky Mountains

In May, I took a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains with a friend (to see another friend, who lives in the park) and went on a couple of hikes out there. It was a wonderful experience (and the highest I'd been outside of a plane, though come early July, I'd be going even higher than that).

June: Finishing and Submitting My Contest Entry

Throughout June, I put in a lot of work wrapping up my short story for Writers of the Future. I'm proud to say I finished the second draft in time. While I'm sure it could use more work and some professional edits, I'm pleased with the entry overall (and it just feels good to have finished writing something for the first time in quite a while). With that out of the way, I'm back to writing some more long-form content.

July: Badlands and the Black Hills

Early this month, I had a wonderful trip to South Dakota with the same lovely people I spent time with back in May (at the Great Smoky Mountains)! This time, we went to the Badlands and the Black Hills. The Black Elk Peak hike in particular was challenging, but overall this was an awesome trip from beginning to end. I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

Additionally, this was my chance to try out my new camera! The Badlands photos you see here are where I broke out the "real" camera for the first time. I definitely need some more practice, but overall I'm pleased with how these turned out, particularly for my first time using a complex photograph.

Going Forward

As you may expect, other projects have been/are in the works. Among them is Cutout, the game I'm developing with my brother under our Rhetrosoft company. That's somewhat on hold right now as work takes priority for us (unfortunately). Hopefully, we can pick that back up soon, as we've got so much work done and are eager to do more!

In the meantime, my focus projects are Imperfect and Keeping Secrets from Friends. With Imperfect, I'm mainly just focusing on the world-building, right now--specifically trying to write some short stories that are set throughout the world to help me get a strong grasp on the environment and its inhabitants. Keeping Secrets from Friends, however, is already being thoroughly outlined. I hope to start the first draft in a couple of months, probably after a trip I have coming up this September!


Overall, it's been pretty busy these last couple of months! I was able to finish up another short story and get it submitted to WotF's third quarter, I went on two amazing hiking trips, and I've finished plenty of work on other projects! I feel pretty productive, lately, and I'm hoping to keep using that energy to push forward. Here's hoping I have more to share when next month's update comes along.


August '21 Update


The Ansleigh Arc is Finally Being Released