Cat Dad
Game Master
Dog Dad
Straight Edge
Writer • Designer • Composer • Gamer • Reviewer • Cat Dad • Game Master • Hiker • Traveler • Dog Dad • YouTuber • Biker • Photographer • Sober • Vegan • Straight Edge •
About This Site
This website serves numerous purposes for me (and for you). It’s a point of contact, a central hub, and an online resource. You can use this website to get in touch with me, keep up with my projects, and shop my recommendations.
I have a lot going on all at once, and it can be overwhelming to keep track of (even for me, let alone for those of you who want to stay up-to-date on my goings-on), so I’ve put together this website to solve that problem.
If you want to learn more about me and my projects, click on the button below to be taken to my About page for more information!
T. L. is Reading
My first YouTube channel, previously called simply T. L. Bainter, is devoted to books and stories, both reading them and analyzing them. The primary content on this channel is my ongoing Discworld Read-Along, where you can join me as I read through Discworld chronologically at a pace of one book each month.
T. L. is Living
Coming Soon. This will serve as my new lifestyle channel, where I’ll post all the random, bizarre strings of ideas and thoughts and processes that come into my head. Think of this as a more “Behind the Scenes” look at every single thing I’m doing. I might talk about video editing, about setting up the new channels, and anything else!
T. L. is Playing
Now this is something I’m really excited to dive into: gaming. T. L. is Playing is a channel devoted to both long and short-form video game playthroughs, discussions, theories, retrospectives, and everything in between. This is what I have always wanted to do, and I have a million ideas already! This channel launched on July 29th, 2024 (my 30th birthday!) with the first episode of my Hollow Knight playthrough.
Coming Soon. Oh, you didn’t know I make games? Well, that’s probably because I don’t, really… at least, not yet. I have created things in the past, and in fact this is the career I wanted to pursue adjacent to writing for the longest time. It’s still something I’m passionate about, and I’m excited to pick it back up again under the Rhetrosoft brand.